So you want to learn how to hypnotize people$%: Well it's not as hard as it might seem to be. Most people think you need to study and train for years to have the ability to hypnotize people. However the truth is, that there are many different forms and levels of hypnosis. If you want to perform certain types of advanced hypnosis, like getting people to hallucinate or do anything you tell them to, then you will most likely be on quite a long quest to achieve that goal. But if you want to carry out more basic types of hypnosis to hypnotize people, like helping someone to get rid of a bad habit, then it is very possible to learn without years of difficult study.
To hypnotize people, you must get them into a relaxed state of mind, where their thoughts flow freely and their mind is at ease. In this state they will become more accepting of suggestions, and anything the hypnotist says will appear to be very wise and sensible, so they will act upon it subconsciously. With this technique, it is possible to hypnotize people to change area's of their life which they may struggle in, such as dieting or sticking to a scheduled exercise regimen.
This is just one way to hypnotize people. Another is with covert hypnosis which is also quite simple, but does take sufficient practice. To hypnotize people with this form of hypnosis, you must be very subtle in your movements. The concept is to literally mimic what your target does, so that in their subconscious mind they think that you are the same person as them and therefore they will like you. If you hypnotize people with this method, it will make any idea's or propositions you have seem a lot more sensible and their inclination to agree will be greatly increased.
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These are two basic forms of hypnosis which will give you the ability to easily hypnotize people. Learn more about each form with other more specific, detailed articles. The ability to hypnotize people is one of my most valued assets and I'm sure it will benefit you too.