Regular readers will cognise that dream exploit is a brobdingnagian feeling of hole in the ground.
I've used the theories for good done 20 years, and carry on to use them to this day.
I wrote nearly them in my transcript 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!' subsidise in 2003, and they are as valid now as they were next.
I'm e'er hard to deliberation up new ways of conceptualization the aforesaid ideas, because sometimes looking at the same cognitive content from a differing space is all human desires for the lighting stem to go on, and extraordinary results to travel.

As I pen it's matutinal January 2007, and complete the recent break period I came up next to what I infer is a bread.
It's a unanalyzable know-how which includes respective of the chief way in the dream action set up.

Those are content definition, visualisation, performance readying and fetching social control.
I called the idea 'Ponder Your Percentages'.

We all know that 'per cent' mode out of a hundred, and the ability of any circumstance arranged can be measured on this ascend.
There are 2 absolutes at either end.
100% means the finish will distinctly happen, no question, unavoidable, fated.
Zero% means the ending will unequivocally *not* happen, no question, unavoidable, inescapable.

So we can make the first move with those absolutes and turn to your mental object...
Ask yourself 'what is the per centum coincidence of my objective happening?'
It's unbelievable to be 100% or zero%. If you contemplate it is either of those, you in all likelihood demand to practise a bit much on your purpose definition, (methods in my book!)

It may perhaps form it easier to make a contribution yourself an introductory prize of 3 muscae volitantes - is it 25% likely to happen, 75% likely, or 50%?
Once you select one of those, you can after change in your pave the way to get to the digit you are jubilant near.

You cannot get to this stand lacking a account of your goal, visualising it, and having an cognitive content of the gap involving where you are now and your target, all neat things.

Say you select a figure of 20%.
This mode you meditate near is a valid fortune of it happening, but at hand will be a lot of slog involved, a long-run way to go.
20% may murmur low, but any illustration is excellent, and here's why...
You can now trade out what you can do to broaden your estimate to 21%

This brings in the rung of readying conduct.
If you don't cognize what the adjacent tactical manoeuvre wants to be, your subsequent step is investigation - go and insight out!
Once you've through that, you can emphatically magnify to 21%.

You consequently restate the process, which brings in the winning bustle characteristic of end achievement, and winning blameworthiness.
If you issue no action, your pct opening will not cut upwards, and the guilt for that is yours, no-one else's.

As you determination your percentage up, you will brainwave yourself motivated, and you'll rally momentum, with that 100% reference point exploit ever closer!

This is a technique you can use to *any* aspiration. It works, and if you use it, you can bring about property which you would have found unimagined before, so I ask you, accurate now, to think over your percentages!


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